All people are born alike - except Republicans and Democrats.
Groucho Marx

Saturday, December 22, 2012


The one sure way to beat the NRA Gun Lobby, reduce the amount of guns in our country, and get back on the road to sanity is to amend the US Constitution to clarify the ambiguities of the second amendment, and allow the federal government the express authority to strictly regulate the manufacture and sale of guns as well as under what circumstances a citizen might own one.

Doing so would remove the smokescreen of constitutional interpretation that the NRA gun lobby and ultra right wing judges hide behind to perpetuate the lack of any effective regulation of guns in this country.

Let's call this drive to amend the Second Amendment the Newtown Project and any subsequent amendment the Newtown Amendment in honor of those killed at Sandy Hook Elementary.

If you are a parent with children you want to protect, or if you feel that you and your family would be safer if the almost unlimited availability of guns, (especially military style semi automatic assault weapons and oversize magazines) and the right to carry them in public places, be it in the open or concealed, were restricted, then we urge you to write your elected officials everyday petitioning for a constitutional amendment that would change the second amendment, and help to ensure that there are no other Newtowns.

Today we call on all like minded people throughout this country who are sick of the insanity and death brought down upon us by the likes of Wayne LaPierre and the NRA gun lobby to rise up and say collectively we have had enough!


Only together can we bring this desperately needed change to our country.

Only together, can we move this mountain.

Friday, December 14, 2012


Just terrible what happened up in Connecticut today.

There are just too many guns on our streets and in the hands of crazy people.

I am confident that this is not what the founding fathers had in mind when they drew up the second amendment to The Constitution, no matter what the NRA says. It is time that the influence and power of the NRA in this country be dimmed and overcome once and for all. They hurt the country and parents all over it.

It is too easy to obtain a gun in this country. It needs to be made much, much harder, the NRA be damned! It is people with guns that kill people and we surely need fewer guns and fewer people with access to guns in this country.

The NRA and those Republican politicians (almost all of them, along with a smaller number of Democrats as well) who pander and cow tow to them are to blame, as we experience mass shooting after mass shooting, be it in a mall or a movie theater or a place of worship or a college campus or now most tragically of all an elementary school where many of the victims were just 6 years old.

Something needs to be done and WE THE PEOPLE must be the ones to do it. We can no longer afford business as usual. If you agree, write your state legislator and your Congressman/woman today and keep writing them every single day until the gun control laws are changed in your state and nationally. For until they are, next time it could be your child or your wife or your husband who does not come home.

We need to break the grip of the NRA and institute sensible gun control laws in our country.  Thereafter, if guns can still be obtained illegally, we need to go after these criminals with all the resources that we can bring to bear.

As we see week after week with each successive mass shooting, the NRA  and the disproportionate influence they have over state legislatures and the US Congress is hurting this country and the people in it. Each death can be squarely laid at their door step and if we, the American people don't do anything about it, at ours as well.

No one in this country should be afraid to send their kids to school or to take their family to the mall or to a movie.

Our gun laws are indefensible and untenable. They need to be changed and now is the time.

When is enough, enough? How about today?