All people are born alike - except Republicans and Democrats.
Groucho Marx

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


News Item: "The Oklahoma Legislature voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to override vetoes of two highly restrictive abortion measures, one making it a law that women undergo an ultrasound and listen to a detailed description of the fetus before having an abortion.

Though other states have passed similar measures forcing women to have ultrasounds, Oklahoma’s law goes further, requiring a doctor or technician to set up the monitor where the woman can see it and describe the heart, limbs and organs of the fetus. No exceptions are made for rape and incest victims.

The second measure passed into law Tuesday protects doctors from malpractice suits if they decide not to inform the parents of a unborn baby that the fetus has birth defects. The intent of the bill is to prevent parents from later suing doctors who withhold information to try to influence them against having an abortion.

Gov. Brad Henry, a Democrat, vetoed both bills last week. The ultrasound law, he said, was flawed because it did not exempt rape and incest victims and was an unconstitutional intrusion into a woman’s privacy. He painted the other measure as immoral." NY Times 04/27/10 (Click on the title of this post to read the whole article)

After reading that, almost nothing else really needs to be said, does it? But just to spell it out, it is disgraceful, disgusting, immoral and un-American and the people who voted for this should be prosecuted and then publicly flogged. They are despicable!

Behold the work of republicans in concert with the religious right. The same republicans who preach "getting government off of our backs." Of course for them this need to limit government only applies when it comes to its getting in they way of their business pursuits. The rest; the guns, the military our troops, (as in sending them to war without body armour and properly armored vehicles) the "family values", the anti abortion, actually puts government on our backs and in our bedrooms and now in our doctors offices. For the republicans, it is an old game, pandering to the most extreme and narrow minded groups out there so as to split the electorate and secure the votes needed so that they can achieve political power and manage the government in a way that maximizes their profits. If in the process, they trample upon our rights and personal freedoms and those of our families well, that is just the cost of doing business. So much for family values.

These hypocrites are the first ones to be caught in scandal, caught in the very acts and lifestyles that they rail against as immoral. Well, they have been caught again because nothing could be more immoral than passing a law to torment women who want to exercise their constitutional rights to privacy by coming between her and her doctor. It is despicable. If such laws are constitutional then there truly is something wrong with our constitution.

This is America. I don't expect you to have to live by my values, why do you want to force me to live by yours? It is disgraceful, disgusting, immoral, despicable & un-American!

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