All people are born alike - except Republicans and Democrats.
Groucho Marx

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Well of course the people are for it.

For far too long the federal government has refused or been unable to effectively control our borders. Even in the face of a determined enemy in the form of organized terrorists and some nine years after the events of September 11th. It is shameful. A national disgrace. A national failure.

This failure or refusal has happened no matter what party has controlled The White House or the Congress. When you think about it, it is a failure with broad bipartisan support and culpability.

The Arizona immigration law that imperils our national unity is actually a cry for help which should be heeded by our federal government. It is time for the government to do what it takes to effectively control our borders, every inch of them. It is a matter of national security and it must be done.

In these perilous times, it is imperative that we know who enters our country, where they are and how long they are to be permitted to stay.

If you are here illegally you need to leave. If you are arrested for a crime your immigration status should be checked as a matter of course.

If you are going to work in this country you need to be able to prove that you are either a US Citizen or that you are here legally. Employers who hire people who are here illegally need to face both civil and criminal penalties.

At the very least, every person wishing to enter the country who is not a citizen should be required to provide a DNA Sample and wear a GPS bracelet encoded with their DNA profile. You can take it off when you leave. You don't like it? Don't come!

To do the job right, it will take money and lots of it. It is a big undertaking. I wonder how many of the people who are in favor of the Arizona Law would be willing to pay an additional tax to pay the cost of secure borders?

Our borders need to be secured and the message needs to be sent if you are here illegally, its time to leave.

The only problem is that it is not the State of Arizona that should be sending that message. No, that job needs to be handled by our national government on behalf of all Americans.

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